This is both the MOST profitable and the fastest way to level scrying and excavation in Elder Scrolls Online. Its rare that something is both the fastest, and the most profitable, so be sure to take advantage of this! Doing this, you can easily be max level today!
ESO Antiquities Power Level Guide
Skill Points
Note: You will need 27 Skill Points to max out the Scrying and Excavating skill lines. You can gather them in advance or gather them as you go!
►Brand New Power Level Guide! Right Here!
►Brand New Companion Guides! Right Here!
Levels 1 through 5 – Fastest Scrying and Excavating
The fastest way to level scrying and excavation for these Levels, is to travel to Artaeum due to its small size and churn through antiquities in rapid succession. All you do is open your scrying menu and select the green lead and dig it up until it gives you a blue lead, then dig up the blue when you’re able. Scry and Excavate the green and blue default leads for this zone until you hit level 5.

Level 5 to 7- Fastest Scrying and Excavating
The fastest way to level scrying and excavation from level 5 to level 7 is by digging up the “freebie” leads for each zone. These will often times yield treasure as a reward, that can be sold for anywhere from 5k all the way to eventually 100k for the secret coin at the end. You can’t start this section until level 5, because you need to be level 5 to dig up the purple leads! The purple leads are the ones that give big xp from 5 to 7.
Every new zone you do will give you 3 free leads allowing you to dig up one GREEN, BLUE and PURPLE antiquity through normal Scrying and Excavation means giving you an easy 9 XP per skill line for each zone complete. So, go through all of the zones alphabetically (open your map and on the right side choose to show the list of zones).
To start: Go to Auridon, dig up the green lead, which will give you a blue lead as a reward. Dig up the blue lead which will give you a purple lead as a reward. Dig up the purple lead and you’re done with Auridon. Now move to the next zone and repeat until you’ve completed all the zones!
Level 7 to 10 – Fastest Scrying and Excavation
If you were leveling Scrying and Excavation so you could dig up mythic items, you can now stop! You only need to be level 7 for mythic items.
Also! At this point the fastest way to level scrying and excavation is to dig up mythic items, these gold leads give you a TON of scrying and excavation xp. So check out this list of the best mythic items and dig them up!