Summon Twilight Matriarch
Cast Time: 1.5 seconds
Target: Self
Cost: 3510 Magicka
Skill Description
Call on Azura to send a twilight matriarch to fight at your side. The twilight matriarch’s zaps deal 246 Shock Damage and its kicks deal 246 Shock Damage. Once summoned, you can activate the twilight matriarch’s special ability for 4590 Magicka, causing it to heal the matriarch and up to 2 other friendly targets for 2547 Health. The twilight matriarch remains until killed or unsummoned.
New Effect
You summon a twilight matriarch. Once summoned, you can activate the twilight’s special ability to heal the matriarch and up to 2 other friendly targets.
Type: Active Ability
Location: Sorcerer > Daedric Summoning
Unlocks at: Daedric Summoning rank 20