
Soul Tether

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ESO Skills Soul Tether
Soul Tether
Cast Time: 0.5 seconds
Target: Area
Radius: 8 meters
Cost: 150 Ultimate
Skill Description
Ravage nearby enemies’ souls with a night rune, dealing 2409 Magic Damage, healing for half the damage, and stunning them for 4 seconds. Ravaged enemies are tethered to you for 8 seconds, and while they remain within 10 meters, you siphon 419 Health from them every second. An ally can target a ravaged enemy and activate the Soul Leech synergy, dealing 2090 Magic Damage to them and healing for the damage caused.
New Effect
You heal for half the initial damage caused, and enemies hit are tethered to you. You deal constant damage and heal while tethered.
Type: Ultimate Ability
Location: Nightblade > Siphoning
Unlocks at: Siphoning rank 12


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