Quest Order By Zone

What Order should you do the Zones in Elder Scrolls Online? Here you go!


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1. Choose Your Faction Story

eso aldmeri dominion quest order by zone choose your faction

Aldmeri Dominion (High Elf, Bosmer, Khajiit)

  • First Do the Main Story. To do this travel to the Vulkhel Guard Shrine in Auridon
  • Talk To the Hooded Figure that approaches you near the shrine
  • Accept and complete the “Soul Shriven in Coldharbour” Questline (Main Story Quest)
  • Once that is complete head to the Following Zones in this Order, completing the zone story in each one before moving on to the next.
  • Khenarthi’s Roost > Auridon > Grahtwood > Greenshade > Malabal Tor > Reaper’s March
  • Proceed to Step 2 below.
eso daggerfall covenant choose your faction

Daggerfall Covenant (Breton, Orc, Redguard)

  • First, do the Main Story. To do this Travel to the Daggerfall Wayshrine in Glenumbra.
  • Talk to the Hooded Figure that approaches you near the shrine.
  • Accept and Complete the “Soul Shriven in Coldharbour” Questline (Main Story Quest)
  • Once that is complete head to the following zones in this Order, completing the zone story in each one before moving on to the next.
  • Stros M’kai > Betnikh > Glenumbra > Stormhaven > Rivenspire > Alik’r Desert > Bangkorai
  • Proceed to Step 2 below.

eso ebonheart pact choose your faction

Ebonheart Pact (Argonian, Dark Elf, Nords)

  • First, do the Main Story. To do this Travel to Davon’s Watch in Stonefalls
  • Talk to the Hooded Figure that approaches you near the shrine.
  • Accept and Complete the “Soul Shriven in Coldharbour” Questline (Main Story Quest)
  • Once that is complete head to the following zones in this order, completing the zone story in each one before moving on to the next.
  • Bleakrock Isle > Bal Foyen > Stonefalls > Deshaan > Shadowfen > Eastmarch > The Rift
  • Proceed to Step 2 below.


2. Continue to Following Zones

After completing the faction story of your choice, continue through the rest of the zones in this order!

  1. Head to Craglorn or go back and complete the other alliance stories if you want to do that first. (though that’s not required to proceed)
  2. Wrothgar
  3. Hew’s Bane
  4. Gold Coast
  5. Prologue Quest (free in crown store): The Missing Prophecy
  6. Vvardenfell (Morrowind Expansion)
  7. Prologue Quest (free in crown store): Of Knives and Long Shadows
  8. Clockwork City
  9. Prologue Quest (free in crown store): Through a Veil Darkly
  10. Summerset
  11. Prologue Quest (free in crown store): Ruthless Competition
  12. Murkmire
  13. Prologue Quest (free in crown store): The Demon Weapon, The Halls of Colossus
  14. Northern Elsweyr
  15. Prologue Quest (free in crown store): The Dragonguards Legacy, The Horn of Ja’darri
  16. Southern Elsweyr
  17. Epilogue: The Dark Aeon, New Moon Rising, The Pride of Elsweyr
  18. Prologue Quest (free in crown store): The Coven Conspiracy, The Coven Conundrum
  19. Western Skyrim & Blackreach
  20. Prologue Quest (free in crown store): A Gray Host Rises
  21. Markarth
  22. Prologue Quest (free in crown store): A Mortal’s Touch (free in crown store)
  23. Blackwood
  24. Prologue Quest (free in crown store): An Apocalyptic Situation (free in crown store)
  25. Fargrave AND the Deadlands
  26. Prologue Quest (free in crown store): Ascending Doubt (free in crown store)
  27. High Isle
  28. Prologue Quest (free in crown store): Sojourn of the Druid King
  29. Galen and Y’fellon
  30. Prologue Quest (free in crown store): Eye of Fate
  31. Telvanni Peninsula AND Apocrypha
  32. Prologue Quest (free in crown store): Prisoner of Fate
  33. West Weald
eso choose your faction which zone should you start in