Halls of Fabrication Trial Guide ESO

eso trial guides halls of fabrication final boss assembly general veteran trial mechanics hard mode halls of fabrication skin last boss

Halls of Fabrication – Vvardenfell Trial

Trial Preparation

  • 2 Tanks
  • 2 Healers
  • 8 Damage Dealers

First Boss – Negatrix & Positrox

eso trial guides halls of fabrication first boss negatrix positrox pads trial mechanics hard mode halls of fabrication skin last boss
eso trial guides halls of fabrication first boss negatrix positrox pads trial mechanics hard mode halls of fabrication skin last boss


  • Shock Field
    • The boss will place this this AOE under the tank, the group must not stand in it as does does a lot of damage
  • Tail Balls
    • The boss will move its tail and spray out slow moving balls that will stun anyone it comes in contact with
    • If hit by this it will leave a purgeable dot on you
  • Bleed
    • The boss will place a bleed on the tank that also places a heal debuff.
  • Electric Beam
    • The bosses must not come near each other for more than 10 seconds or they will enrage
    • The beam does do damage, so avoid standing in it
  • Headbang
    • The boss will knock the tank to the ground and the group will need to interrupt the boss before it kills the tank
  • Spheres
    • These are the largest threat to the group and should be taken care of quickly
    • They apply dots on players that can be purged. It is recommended to have multiple people in the group purging
    • Be sure to dodge the snipe mechanic that will oneshot you
    • If 8 spheres are up at the same time they will become enraged
  • Firebugs
    • These will need to be pulled into the AoE damage as they spawn to cleave them down
  • Enrage
    • When one boss dies, the other becomes enraged. Damage is amplified, purge often!


  • Keep Bosses apart to prevent enrage
  • Announce if you are knocked down and need a bash on the boss


  • Purge the group often
  • Be ready to dodge roll the snip from the spheres


  • Be ready to bash the boss
  • Spheres will be sniping players, be ready to dodge roll and interrupt spheres

Second Boss – Pinnacle Factotum

eso halls of fabrication pinnacle factotum second boss veteran mechanics hardmode


  • Various Lighting Abilities
    • These will need to be dodged or blocked to reduced the amount of damage you take and to prevent being stunned
  • Staff Beam
    • Interruptable channeling spell from boss that deals damage and drains magicka
  • Shock Meteors
    • being hit by 3 of these will kill any player
  • Centurion
    • Every 60 seconds it will activate for a period of time
    • Steam every 30 seconds that puts a healing debuff and deals damage
  • Shades 75% HP
    • Tank must stand still in small green circle and face the shade that is casting the shockwave on him. failure to do so will result in a bleed and the shockwave will kill those in its path
  • Sharpened Conduit – 60% HP
    • Conduit spawns that must be killed immediately to prevent it from draining magicka
  • Refabricated Centurion – 40%
    • Activates every 30 seconds
    • Can be taunted and kited around the room until it kills itself by a DD or tanked by the off tank
  • Upstairs
    • Every 90 seconds 4 DD must go up the portals
    • They will have 60 seconds to kill all 4 spheres and activate their respective buttons
    • The first person to go up will get a beam they must kite through the spheres in order to deactivate their shields
    • The DD should focus the spheres 1 by 1 together
    • Once done killing the spheres, everyone should go back to their original position where they came up and simultaneously press all 4 buttons and then leave through the portal you came up in


  • When boss twirls staff around he is preparing to heavy. Be ready to block or dodge
  • Block those shades attacks so that your group does not wipe behind you
  • OT move centurion away from MT during shade phase if the centurion is up
  • OT will kite spin-to-win centurion around the outside of the ring


  • When team goes upstairs be ready to dodge meteor damage raining down
  • When spin-to-win centurion spawns and your OT is kiting him, move in so your off tank has a path around the outside of the arena and wont run you over


  • Focus conduit when it spawns
  • Be ready to stay out of the steam phase
  • when boss twirls his staff around, back up and prepare to dodge damage
  • When spin-to-win centurion spawns and your OT is kiting him, move in so your off tank has a path around the outside of the arena and wont run you over

Third Boss – Archcustodian

eso halls of fabrication third boss archcustodian mechanics veteran hardmode


  • Shield
    • Makes the boss immune to damage and kills players who touch it
    • Adds in the shield take reduced damage
  • Stun Phase
    • In order to damage the boss you must press the button which will activate a laser. When the boss walks through the laser its shield will temporarily disappear for a time allowing you to damage him.
    • Pre-place your dots so that they are all already ticking when the boss is stunned and his shield comes down
    • Boss move speed will increase each time you stun it
  • Adds
    • Work on the adds as you wait for the boss to get to the next stun point. after the boss shield is down, bring the adds on top of the boss so they are cleaved down by the ults and aoe being dropped on the stunned boss
  • Blades
    • Blades will move along the walkway and put bleeds on anyone they pass through
  • Shock Attack
    • Do not move too far from the boss or it will shoot shock darts at you and likely kill you


  • MT will tank boss and push buttons
  • OT will grab adds that spawn and pull into boss once boss shield is down


  • Be ready to heal through blades


  • Pre-place dots on the trap points so they are all ticking when boss shield goes down.

Fourth Boss – Reassembly Committee

eso halls of fabrication fourth boss reassembly committee veteran hardmode mechanics


  • Lightning Leash
    • If the bosses get close to each other they will become connected by a beam of lightning
    • Keep them apart until the following phases
  • Enrage at 69% 39% 19%
    • Kill bosses evenly so they hit enrage at the same time
    • Bring all 3 bosses together just before they hit those percentages so that they are stunned as they pass through the enrage percentage windows
    • Immediately separate them from each other and damage them down evenly to the 39% and then repeat at 19%
  • Triplets
    • Reclaimer
      • Stands in the middle and has a shield that will kill anyone who touches it
      • Spawns mobs that will charge at random players and blow up if they are not killed immediately
      • Drain Shock will be cast on random players as a ground dot that drains magicka if you are hit by it
    • Reducer
      • Sends out fireballs that put a very painful but purgeable dot on group members it hits
    • Reactor
      • sends out damage waves away from itself that eventually leave AOE on the ground that will grab you and pull you down
    • 25%
      • Mobs will spawn and blow up where they spawned. Find a spot where they are not spawning to safely avoid the damage from them for the rest of the battle
    • Execute 19%
      • Just before all 3 bosses hit 19% bring them together so they get stunned at 19%.
      • The tanks must take the Reducer and the reactor away from the reclaimer to prevent them from hitting 15% hp and enraging
      • Focus down the reclaimer first to prevent him from spawning more exploding mobs
    • Execute 15%
      • At 15% the two remaining bosses will tether together enraging both of them
      • At this point focus them down one at a time


  • MT and OT will keep the triplets in a triangle formation, not bringing them together until 69, 39, and 19% – – after which they will immediately separate them again
  • Highly recommend addon to notify tanks when to swap bosses


  • Have purge ready


  • Focus the ads immediately when they spawn to prevent them from blowing up you and your allies
  • split up and focus down the bosses evenly!
  • at 19% focus the reclaimer until it is dead

Final Boss – Assembly General

eso trial guides halls of fabrication final boss assembly general veteran trial mechanics hard mode halls of fabrication skin last boss


  • Stomp
    • Will knock group members back if they do not block this
  • Meteors will fall on the group. Players can spread out a little to reduce the amount of damage they take from overlapping aoe’s
  • Right Blade Arm
    • The off tank will stand on the bosses right, our left to deal with the blade arm
  • Repair Phases 85% 65% and 45%
    • Every time the boss loses both arms he will return to the middle to repair
    • When the boss walks to the middle the group must get off the top to avoid the damage up there
    • Do not attack the boss during this phase it will send damage back out to the group
    • 4 spheres will spawn, one in each corridor. the group must kill at least 2 spheres before returning to the top to put damage on the boss. Each sphere that is killed will reduce the damage the boss deals
  • Adds – 90%, 87% & 70%, 67% & 50% 47% & 30%, 27%
    • Taking too long to kill the adds will result in more adds spawning
    • Hold them on boss or pull them aside to kill them safely. Your call
    • Kill the adds at 30/27% before pushing boss into execute
  • Facsimile
    • If players die, a copy a player will spawn
  • Execute Phase – 25%
    • The boss will return to the middle and begin raining meteors down on all of the players. The players cannot overlap the AOE damage or they will die
    • Adds may spawn if you take too long, tanks should grab them off the dps and hold them
  • Hardmode
    • No new mechanics. Everything hurts more. More adds spawn


  • Main Tank will stay down in front of the boss and taunt it
  • Off tank will Be up to the left side of the boss taunting the blade arm
  • In execute if adds spawn be ready to taunt them off the group


  • Be sure you are ready for execute and give it everything you got with damage mitigation and big heals


  • When you get close to execute make sure you have ults ready to drop when boss is at center
  • discipline is key, get into your position and kill the boss asap

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